Your Partner to Move Forward
To put it matter-of-factly: We develop and manufacture specific drive solutions for our international customers. Apart from our focus on the automotive sector we concentrate on applications for the industry, medical engineering and e-mobility concepts. To put it emotionally: We provide for motion to make our partners move forward. Again and again.
We at IMS Gear take customer proximity literally. As our experience from the past decades has taught us: short distances are still major factors for success, and the best contact is the direct one. This is why we think and act internationally and are present in all major global markets with own production locations.
Code of Conduct
IMS Gear is a successful internationally operating company - this is not just a statement, it’s an obligation. After all, our success is not only the result of our technology leadership, but of our value-oriented company culture. We have been working on our excellent reputation with customers, employees and suppliers for many years - and we are all responsible for doing justice to this in the future.
To support this effort, we have composed our “Business Code of Conduct”. These rules apply to each of us.
If you have any questions regarding our Code of Conduct, please contact your direct supervisor, the Compliance Officer or send an e-mail to: compliance(at)
Whistleblower System
IMS Gear values an open corporate culture. Employees, business partners, stakeholders and external parties are encouraged to swiftly report infringements of laws or other compliance violations relating to IMS Gear. By identifying such risks early, potential negative consequences can be avoided or mitigated.
What can be reported?
Infringements of laws in a professional context and which are related to IMS Gear SE & Co. KGaA or its affiliates, or violations of policies of IMS Gear, i.e., corruption, fraud, violations of competition law, data security regulations, product safety requirements, or cases of (sexual) harassment and discrimination and violations of human rights or environmental protection laws.
How are whistleblowers protected?
Anyone who reports such incidents through the Whistleblower System of IMS Gear is acting as whistleblower and is therefore protected by IMS Gear. The system enables anonymous reporting. Incoming complaints are handled by specifically trained team members in line with the applicable confidentiality obligations. No whistleblower needs to fear negative consequences in a professional context for making a complaint if it was made to the best of her or his knowledge and belief.
Code of Conduct (PDF)Whistleblowing - InformationRules of Procedure (PDF)

Opening remarks
› The "Whistleblowing" module provides a secure, effective and trustworthy information channel for information on imminent or actual compliance violations.
› It ensures that whistleblowers and concerned persons are protected.
› Company staff and external stakeholders (e.g. suppliers and customers) should be able to communicate informationwithout significant effort and with confidence that they will be protected from reprisals.
› At the same time, it is also intended to ensure fair treatment of information and the persons who may be named in a information.
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